
Remove All Your Unwanted Hair with 
Quality Waxing

Our Waxing Services and Price List

Why Wax?

​Waxing provides smoother and longer lasting results than shaving, epilation, or removal creams. Hair is removed from the hair follicle, which means no more itchy stubble re-growth! Hair grows back finer and thinner and becomes more sparse. Your skin is left feeling incredibly soft.

Here at Polished From Head To Toe, we use only high quality waxes to ensure you get the best during and after the your waxing service. These waxes are low temperature and gentle to on the skin. 

​Do you typically experience redness or sensitivity following waxing? Give me a try! See and feel the difference. The more you wax, the easier and faster each visit will be. Hard and soft waxes are used depending on the area(s) to be waxed.

​As a Licensed Esthetician, I will also advise you on the best post-wax care to ensure your skin is taken care of. Always make sure you are getting waxed by a Licensed Professional.


  • How long does my hair have to be?

    1/4in. to 1/2in. long. Hair needs to be long enough for the wax to take hold. 

  • How do I prepare for my wax?

    It is recommended that you exfoliate your skin to prepare for the wax service. Exfoliating once a week following the wax is recommended as well to minimize the chance of in-grown hairs. 

  • Is waxing painful?

    The level of discomfort can vary from person to person. Waxing pulls hair out from the hair follicle, thus causing some discomfort. Hard waxes tend to be less painful as this wax adheres only to the hairs and not the skin. I use only the highest quality waxes to minimize your discomfort level during the service. Soothing topical treatment is applied immediately following any waxing service.

  • Can I get waxed if I'm pregnant?


  • Can I get waxed if I'm on my period?

    Yes, you may be slightly more sensitive, but overall there are no issues with getting waxed during this time. 

  • Can I get waxed if I've had a recent chemical peel?


  • Can I get waxed if I've used Accutane within the past year?

    No. If you are on or have been on Accutane in the last year then you cannot be waxed. This medication thins your skin and waxing is a definate: NO. You need to wait 1 year before waxing. (This is for any waxing on the body / face.) 

  • Can I get waxed if I use: Retin-A, Salicylic Acid, or Glycolic Acid?

    If you use Retin-A, Glycolic, Salicylic, other acid treatments it is generally recommended that you stop use of product at least 1 week prior to your wax appointment. (This only pertains to if you use that product on the body part to be waxed.)

  • Can I tan or spray tan before / after my wax?

    No. Wait at least 24 - 48 hours before and after. 

  • Can I have a reaction?

    Yes, some people experience a Histamine reaction when getting waxed. Taking a Benadryl prior to your appointment can help with this or we can apply an anti-histamine cream to the area immediately following the service. 

    If you have had ANY adverse reactions to waxes in the past, please make sure to share that information 

  • How long does waxing last?

    Typically 3 weeks. Return appointments are recommended every 3-6 weeks.

  • Will I be completely smooth after my first wax?

    It's possible, some clients are completely smooth, but because our hair tends to be in different growth cycles, you may feel a small bit of stubble. After several waxes, with no shaving or tweezing in-between appointments, your hair growth will be on the same cycle and when waxed, you will then be completely smooth and notice that you can go longer in-between visits. 

  • What should I avoid after a waxing service?

    It is recommended that you wait 24 hours for any activities that cause you to be/get extremely hot and/or sweaty. No hot tubs, pools, saunas, heavy workouts, etc.

    Wait 48 hours to tan / tanning beds. 

If you have any other questions or concerns that I have not addressed, please feel free to contact me. 
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